No Shows
All year round we focus on keeping this figure low, however this time of year is even more important as we turn clients away due to being fully booked.
Your no-shows need to be below 2% for a healthy business, here are some ideas just below on what you can do this season to reduce yours.
Do you have a clear process in place to manage and monitor no shows that is used?
Some things to consider for this process;
- Educate your clients – make them aware of the impact it has on your salon and the stylist/therapist who had them time booked to look after them. This can be done in a very polite way, without upsetting anyone. More often than not they are very apologetic if it was a genuine mistake, it also gives the client the chance to explain why they did not show.
- Deposits – a deposit will get a client to think twice before they book and part with their money, filtering out all those who are not 100% committed to the day/time chosen.
- Reminders – if you are taking appointments in advance you should have your appointment reminders on by SMS and or email. Send an email 4 days before and a SMS 2 days before the appointment.
- No show communication – reach out to your clients make them aware of their missed appointment, find out why.
- Mark your clients in SalonIQ as a no show, this allows you to monitor and manage this very important area of your business effectively.
Your cancellation policy
Your cancellation policy will support your no shown process significantly, there are many places you should have this displayed for your clients to see.
- Your website, this should be on your bookings page as well as your service menu page.
- Make it mandatory for your front of house team to advise every single client of the notice period required to cancel an appointment.
- Appointment reminders – if you are sending appointment reminders via email, make sure you add your cancellation policy at the bottom. Even better pop a hyperlink within the email allowing your clients to click on it and go straight to the policy on your website.
- Your team – this is such an important one, ensure your team are behind and support your cancellation policy. Everyone in your salon needs to understand it, believe in it, and stick to it 100% of the time.
As soon as you mark a client as a ‘no show’, it triggers the ‘no show’ SMS/email to your clients asking them to contact you.
View all of your ‘No show’ clients on a report within SalonIQ, for all SalonIQ’s users go to your Reports > Appointments > ‘No show appointments’.
Keep a close eye on your No Show percentage, for all SalonIQ users you can view this figure on your salon dashboard which is accessed from the main menu.
Please note these are just some ideas that you could use and implement to reduce no shows in your salon.
If you have any questions regarding this article, please do reach out to us via email help@saloniq.com.
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